Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Stronghold Mode Preview

Source: http://world-of-ru.livejournal.com/3291114.html

What is the Stronghold mode?
New mode for clan players, available within the game and not tied to the Clanwars. A clan has a virtual base with buildings, road leading to it and additional constructs. Can be created by the commander of the clan free of charge, whenever he wishes, but the clan has to have at least 20 players.
The clan can develop its “stronghold”, construct buildings on it in order to access various economical bonuses, that can be activated for limited time. For example, increase of creditmaking of vehicles in the game, or increase the crew training speed – everything depends on stronghold development strategy. In the future, new features will be added to this mode, such as upon reaching a certain level of the stronghold, players will be able to attack enemy strongholds and defend theirs. During such battles, there will be unique features such as air support (bomber raid), artillery fire mission, minefields and others.

Parts of the Stronghold

The stronghold consists of several parts:
- command center: your main building, its level determines the level of the stronghold, maximum level of constructions, the depot (warehouse) space, the amount and time of transport of the building resources. Initially it will be limited to level 4.
- resource: main resource of the stronghold mode. It is earned in battles and it is used for creating and improving buildings and for activating the clan combat and non-combat reserves (bonuses)
- areas: these can be unlocked at the will of the commander in the ratio of one spot per 20 people in clan. Each area unlocked gives your clan two building slots. In the future, areas will be used for combat operations against other clans.
- building slots: free space where you can build buildings. Each unlocked “destination” gives you two building slots.
- buildings: they can be built on areas in order to get the bonus you want. The quality of bonus depends on the level of the building, that can be improved by spending the building resources. Each building has some sort of strength measure (hitpoints) and a pool, both measured in building resources. A building can be destroyed by owner if needed.
Following buildings can be created:
- financial: “Paying for battle” (gives credit gain bonus)
- tank proving grounds: “Tactical training” (gives bonus to XP gain)
- military school: “Military facility” (gives bonus to free XP)
- teaching: “Additional training” (gives bonus to crew XP)
- transport: “Heavier transporters” (gives bonus to resource gains in Stronghold mode battles)
There are also two special buildings, producing reserves, that are connected with planned battles between strongholds in this mode
- “Evacuation” (mitigates the consequences of enemy clan looting your stronghold)
- “Requisition” (gives a bonus to the resources looted from enemy stronghold)
How does building work
The player chooses the spot for the building and the type of building he wants to create. If all requirements are met, a “construction site” will appear on the map. After that, the resource has to be transported from the place where it is kept in depot to the construction site. The resources can be transported between buildings (including your command center) within the stronghold. This is necessery for creating buildings, improving them and for creating reserves (bonuses). Transporting is not immediate and it takes time, it is achieved on stages. The size of single transport batch depends on the base level.
Reserves are bonuses given to the clanners by the stronghold, that are activated within buildings and remain active for limited time after that. There are two types:
- combat reserves (artillery fire mission, air raid etc.) will be added later
- non-combat reserves (the bonuses mentioned above, XP, creds etc.)
You can only have one reserve (bonus) activated at any given time. Each reserve has a level from 1 to 10, determined by the level of the building, where it is created. The level of the reserve can be improved by improving the building itself. Improvement changes the reserve parameters, such as its duration, the amount of bonus it gives, its price and “reload time”.
Fighting in Stronghold mode
Each member of the clan is tied to one of the buildings, creating the so-called building Garrison. When the stronghold is created, all players get tied to the Command center building. Each player can however choose, which building will he get “tied” to. It has to be noted that each Garrison (each building) is limited to 20 people (the base garrison itself however is not limited, eg. all players can participate in this mode).
There are three types of battles in Stronghold mode:
- assaults (attacking enemy clan stronghold, will be implemented later)
- defense (the other side of assault, will be implemented later)
- raids
All three are rewarded by the stronghold building resources. The amount of resources gained per battle is tied to the XP (clean, eg. no premium) gained by the team members. Gained resources then gets transferred to buildings, to which the players who won them are tied. The better the clanners perform in Stronghold battles, the faster their stronghold grows.
A Raid is a 15 vs 15 mode of battle where the participants are chosen randomly from those, who are at that moment in the raid queue (it works as a current company mode). Any player can create a raid company, but before entering battle, he has to determine the type of the raid. There are three types of raids:
- medium (tier 1-6)
- champion (tier 1-8)
- absolute (tier 1-10)
The battle then works as current company battle does, same rules. After the battle, you will also see the amount of resources gained by each player and by the team as a whole.
In the future, attacks on enemy clan strongholds will be possible and the level limit of the stronghold will be raised to 10.

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